2017 Customer Service Expectations Survey

Consumer Products & Retail

June 1, 2017 / 1 min read

2017 Customer Service Expectations Survey

Based on a survey of 1,000 respondents in the US, this report details 2017 customer service and customer experience trends and expectations among consumers.

It costs much less to keep existing customers happy than to acquire new ones. In this survey, 78% of respondents said that quality of service was a key factor in their decision to buy. But how does a company satisfy customers who are becoming increasingly vocal on social media in an age when customer experience directly influences a consumer’s purchases and loyalty? Based on a survey conducted among 1,000 adults in the US, this report identifies four leading trends you need to consider if you want to stay ahead of the curve:

  1. Decisions are influenced by customer service.
  2. Customers want to be treated like human beings, not numbers.
  3. Omnichannel is omnipresent—customers want to be able to talk to businesses across multiple channels.
  4. History and consistency are essential to your success. Customers don’t like having to repeat themselves, and they are looking for continuity in their interactions with your company.

Source: http://go.gladly.com/hubfs/Content/2017_Customer_Service_Expectations-Survey_Gladly_Final.pdf?