How to Disrupt Your Competition
How to Disrupt Your Competition
When customer experience is synonymous with convenience. There’s the recipe for standing out from the competition!
In a competitive market, it is essential to make every effort to stand out. Since product and price are elements by which it is increasingly difficult to distinguish ourselves from, customer experience becomes the focal point for many companies.
However, for some industries, a successful customer experience is no longer a distinctive criterion since all companies pay close attention to this element. What more can you do when you and your competitors offer similar products and services in terms of quality, price and customer experience? Which element do you focus your efforts on to stand out from the crowd?
Focus on a convenient customer experience!
Indeed, even before expecting a superior customer experience, consumers first and foremost seek an easy solution adapted to their needs. For example, customers who call you for information and who must repeat their information and situation to each new representative due to line transfers, will likely be very dissatisfied. Despite the impeccable politeness and discourse of each employee involved in the call, the complexity of the process is likely to outweigh the customer experience seeking answers. Make your customers’ lives easier! They will return to you knowing they won’t have to rack their brains.
In the field of customer experience management, the Customer Effort Score is the index used to measure the level of effort deployed by customers so that their requests are processed and resolved. This index can be used as part of a mystery shopper program or even a customer satisfaction survey. You wish to implement one of these programs? Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss this further.