Help your staff improve with spontaneous customer feedback
Help your staff improve with spontaneous customer feedback
Who better to tell you what good customer service should look like than your own customers!
With a growing willingness to offer an improved customer experience, companies seem willing to invest in anything that will allow them to get there: technology, artificial intelligence, etc. But as is the case for all durable and quality structures, the foundations must be solid.
Therefore, it is important to ask yourself if your employees’ performance lives up to the service you wish to offer your customers. And who better to tell you what good customer service should look like than your own customers! Let them express themselves, listen to them and take action based on what they share with you.
In this article, Georgina Nelson describes 5 ways companies can use customer feedback to motivate their employees and, as a result, improve customer experience.
Among these 5 tips is knowledge sharing; the focal point of any customer experience improvement program. Indeed, one of the main ways to motivate your employees is to let them know that they make a difference. It is therefore essential to share with your employees the information you collect from your customers. The good feedback will motivate them and strengthen what they already do well. On the other hand, critics will allow you to intervene in a constructive manner on elements to improve. This type of intervention should never be applied to a single individual, but always in an overall way to prevent the intervention from being perceived as punitive.
In addition, in all improvement programs, the best way to involve all employees across the various branches is to integrate healthy competition. Indeed, the dissemination of results across the network will encourage less efficient branches to improve and the best ones to maintain their favorable position.
You wish to offer your customers an opportunity to express themselves following their experience with your company? Please do not hesitate to contact us to implement a VoC or satisfaction survey.