Improve customer experience through employee surveys
Consumer Products & Retail
Improve customer experience through employee surveys
You want to know your customers’ satisfaction level? Have you thought of asking your employees?
When companies want to know the level of satisfaction of their clients, their natural reflex is to put in place a survey geared towards the main parties concerned—in this case- their clientele. However, few companies think of asking their employees. This article highlights the importance of your employees within your organization and the importance of consulting them in order to establish an assessment of the satisfaction of your customers. The author asserts that those employees that are at the front line, being that they always interface with your customers, have a more generalized perspective of the elements of your service which are a source of satisfaction or dissatisfaction for your customers.
In order to maximize the propensity of your employees to share their comments and suggestions, you must ensure that you implement a tool for data collection that will be user-friendly to them. The author also stresses that it is essential to respond to the comments of your employees and to explain to them how their opinions and suggestions will be used. These actions will keep your employees enthusiastic and engaged towards your approach to data collection.
To become more aware of the importance of your employees on the performance of your business, see our initiative on Engagement or contact us to develop an employee experience measurement program.