No Customer Experience Without Employee Experience
No Customer Experience Without Employee Experience
Back to the basics of the employee experience for a better customer experience
In this post, Daniel Lafrenière highlights the latest results from major mobilization studies in North America that show that 69% of employees are not mobilized. This figure appears impressive, however, we can get some perspective by taking a look back at the same study, conducted in 2013, which stated that 72% of employees lacked mobilization.
Although the mobilization rate has gained a few points in five years, it must not be forgotten that such a high level of lack of mobilization has serious consequences for businesses. Indeed, the blogger aptly recalls that a low mobilization rate leads to a higher employee turnover rate in companies, which represents major investments in budget and time, as well as an inevitable degradation of the customer experience. At the other end of the spectrum, companies with highly mobilized employees see their revenues increase to surpass those where the employee experience is deficient.
Now, is it necessary to create heaven on hearth and to organize Cirque du Soleil performances at work to keep employees happy and mobilized? Of course not! Similarly to Maslow’s pyramid, one can classify employees’ needs as a progression, starting with the basic needs, such as salary, benefits and training, and then increasing them a notch towards motivational and relational needs to end with the actualization of one’s self i.e. the sense of purpose and meaning.
So, far from fireworks and great organizational upheavals, why not start by ensuring that your employees’ basic needs are fulfilled?
You wish to implement an employee experience measurement and management program within your company? Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.