The “C” in culture…

October 12, 2021 / 3 min read


Union Institute

The “C” in culture…

I spent the first decade of my professional journey leading teams. I went up the corporate ladder fast; I was young, dedicated, had this contagious positive energy and I had a real athlete mindset as far as surpassing expectations.

Looking back, I was beyond sensitive about the impact I had on people around me. Mindful of these quick moments where life can grace you of meaningful experiences to give purpose to this fast-pace reality I found myself.

I started to develop out of the box guidelines, offering different proactive tips, details, to equip my customer service teams to enhance the quality of their interactions with others. The idea was to set ourselves apart from the crowd but it turned out it also had a mobilizing effect on each team member. They felt empowered and more fulfilled by their tasks and the results were paying off; happier customers, happier time at work. Without knowing, I was preparing my next big chapter …

The last 15 years of this professional journey I devoted to building customer-centric cultures; CX distinctive signature. One of my accomplishments I am most proud of was the CX signature I developed in 2006 and reinvented for 12 straight years (until 2018) for the Bell Centre/Canadiens/evenko, spectra. So many key learnings that still serve me today in my role at Union with our employees and our customers.

But let me start with a few tips that I share regularly in my practice to help facilitate service culture in any kind of organisations…



The right casting can be a critical component in building a credible and meaningful culture. The contrary is also true; a wrong casting can keep you from an authentic and inspiring environment.
You are never as strong as your weakest link … this happens to be a deal breaker in customer experience. Your customer will judge you on his/her whole experience and if a portion of his/her experience is not up to par, we all (the organisation, your brand) fail to deliver on your customer-centric commitment.
Same for your employee experience … your employees will judge his/her organisation on how aligned to its values the leadership team is and will expect from them to be the ultimate model of what is accepted, what are the “real” standards the company stands for.
Never underestimate the power of the casting


I call it the magical ingredient! Whenever our clients ask for a simple way to achieve their goals in creating the best CX and EX experiences, my response is: do it often, do it all the time, it is a never-ending story. And be consistent. It is the way to take you experience to the next level.


Last tip of the day, engage with your employees and customers about your passion, you vision and where you see you company achieve beyond its product. The capital is the inevitable end-result. The most successful companies are rarely the less inspiring.

Want to learn more about CX culture?

Customer Experience

After the “C” comes the “U” in culture. Stay tuned!

Caroline Hamel
Culture and organisational development

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The “C” in culture…
I spent the first decade of my professional journey leading teams. I went up the corporate…